Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here's some visitors from last night-- having fun with Asa

And... some people never grow up!

Tonight my cousins came over... we enjoyed brownie sundaes and games!!! <3

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome to married life!

Hi everyone! I'm now officially Erin E Kiser! We've been so busy since we got home from the honey moon! The other day I tried being all wifely and attempted to make bread. If you haven't heard about it yet, I'm surprised. Let's just said my family was happy to be provided with a chuckle over my FLAT success. But other things have worked out for me despite my low rising bread. My biscuits actually weren't hockey pucks! I made them in the toaster over, it was amazing to see them puff up!
I've had fun trying out new recipes. The Stewart family (my previous boss' family from Garf's) gave me this beautiful wooden bowl. It came with a delicious recipe for salad dressing! mmmm
OHHH you probably want a picture of Asa and I ... hehe ... Here's one of us on our honeymoon!: