Well Hello Blogging world!
Just this past week I was amazed to find out how many people there are that are tuned in to blogspot.com. I guess it brings me to thinking about all the people who may actually be looking at my site without me having a clue. OH WELL... I like being interested in what other people are doing too... SO this is for all you who I don't know are looking at my site... "HELLO!"
Ok.. now onto what I've been up to... the past few days have been extremely busy. Friday night we went to a friends house in Green and had a wonderful fourth of july party. He set off fire works that were awesome! *especially considering they were illegal!* That whole day was just such a great one. Our whole family was home for most of the day and we girls just swam and tanned while the guys did wood. Asa came later and we just chatted and had a good time...
Saturday I worked all day and then went to Jeremiah's Graduation party. (he's a guy I work with) He's going to be leaving for college soon and I will miss working with him VERY much! After his party I headed over to the Gaiges to join my family... when I got there they were all around the camp fire, roasting marshmellows and chatting. I promtly found some beautiful coals calling my name and so I roasted a lot of marshmellows... mmm they were good. We had a great time being entertained by potatoe guns... and good stories.
Sunday we went to church, ate and then Em, Asa and i came right home.. because last night i was suppose to have everyone from work over for a "Garf's Get-together"... Not everyone showed up though. John, Beth and the kids along with Matt and his girlfriend were the only ones that came.. BUT we had an AWESOME time... playing volley ball, swimming, and eating.. It was so much fun and it makes me want to hvae them over again... Volley Ball was the best! I love the people I work for and with.. they're so special to me. (ok so I'm a sentimentle person...)
WELL it's beautiful out and the sun is calling to me. I leave for Peru on Sunday (I can't believe it... ) So besides wanting to just have a fun week... I have a lot of work to do! Please pray that everything goes well for us. I'm so grateful for all that God has been doing in my life this last while... Even though there are things that are hard to understand He never leaves me alone in them!
Love to all...known and unknown