ok sooo how many of you have heard of meal worms before? WELL just to let you know they are acutally in almost every thing that is a grain product that you eat! ANYWAY... for my science class at school I have them as pets. I have had them for a while now and it is actually getting pretty tiresome. Thankfully now all I have to do is experiement on them for two more days and then I am FINISHED....
Tonight when I was watching them eat I felt like a border patrol makin sure they wouldn't get out of the box. I've had to starve them for the past day and then I gave them four different kinds of food to see what they perfer. (as if I really care!) So I had all the worms (or so I thought) inside their plastic homes because I was finished and then I counted them... 1.....4....7...10...15...16...16...16... my mind started swirling.. where was number 17?! I know I had 17 worms!!! Heat crawls up into my face and I frantically look all around moving the box...turning on the bright light... counting and re counting... I thought I had check under all the little piles of food in the cardboard box... the horrifying fact faced me... One of the little buggers must have crawled out when I wasn't watching! I decdied to check the food one more time... and PHEW!!! there he was undneath the graham cracker crumbs... I breathed a sigh of relief and then procided to try to get my heart to slow down. I was honestly really really scared and I am so glad that I found that worm because that would have been TROUBLE!
Ok... well I thought you would all like that story... it wasn't funny at the time but I think it's pretty funny now..
(mom if you're reading this I'm sure you're the only one that doesn't think this is very funn! *GRINS*)
Love to all~
:) Ok so glad everything turned out. I guess number 17 preferred graham cracker crumbs. :)
Lol!! Keeps life interesting!:)
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